
Traditional Craftsman

Traditional crafts are defined as follows:
1.They are mainly used in everyday life.
2.The main part of their manufacturing process is done by hand.
3.They are made using traditional techniques and methods.
4.They are made using traditional materials as their main raw materials.
5.They are made by a substantial number of people in a particular region.

Kawatsura lacquerware, designated as a traditional craft by the Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry, is created by a certified “Traditional Craftsman” who holds national qualifications. Lacquerware production involves highly advanced traditional techniques and requires an extended period of learning and mastery. The certification of a Traditional Craftsman, awarded to artisans who have acquired region-specific techniques and skills, serves as proof of their proficiency in traditional craftsmanship and their ability to work as skilled professionals in the field.
As valuable inheritors of traditional craftsmanship, these artisans are central figures dedicated to refining and passing down their techniques and skills to the next generation.